HEALTH: *** Improving your health every day, 24 hours ***

A healthy 24 hours for adults includes the following:


  • 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activities
  • Muscle strengthening activities at least twice per week
  • Several hours of light physical activities including standing


  • Limit sedentary time to 8 hours or less
  • No more than 3 hours of recreational screen time
  • Break up long periods of sitting as often as possible


  • Get 7 to 9 hours of good-quality sleep regularly
  • Consistent bed and wake-up times

Work towards making gradual changes to your current routine if you do not fit the above guidelines. Do it gradually, a little closer each day. Doing too much too soon can put you at risk of injury, even if you are already exercising regularly.

Creating an action plan

Creating an action plan that includes goal setting. Think about what your average day looks like right now. How much are you exercising? How often are you getting up to move during long periods of sitting or lounging? How much sleep do you get on an average day? Think of what you can do to get yourself closer to these guidelines and write it down!

Some goal-setting ideas:


What activities do you enjoy doing? When do you have the most energy?

Can you increase the types and intensities of activities you already do such as adding a big hill or outdoor staircase to your afternoon walk?

How can you include more muscle-strengthening activities in your routine? Arm raises with canned products like 28oz tomatoes?


Can you replace times when you usually sit or lounge with light physical activities, such as standing, walking or even exercising?

Limit screen time in bedrooms and eating areas.

Identify which kind of movement breaks you can include and use technology to remind you to take breaks.


Develop a relaxing bedtime routine,

Avoid caffeine consumption in the afternoon

Limit screen use in the hours leading up to bedtime.

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.

As you practice goal setting and the behaviours you’ve chosen to meet your body’s movement needs, you will increase your self-confidence. Consider adding new goals to your action plan as you achieve success. You may face barriers along the way, but if you keep putting one foot in front of the other each day, you will soon have a healthier way of living for years to come.

Confer with the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines which will help you increase your energy, feel stronger and improve your mood. The guidelines are at specific age group. So seniors have their own set of guidelines under “65 and older.” Following your action plan will also improve your bone health, cognition, quality of life and physical function while lowering your risk of several cancers, anxiety, depression and weight gain.



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