A councillor adds a personal touch to his constituency…

Maurice Brenner
Regional Councillor
Councillor Ward 1

A deserved shout-out to Councillor Maurice Brenner!

Recently, I had to have major surgery, a hip replacement. When Councillor Brenner got wind of the impending operation, he phoned me with a list of items that I might need and which he had available for my use: a walker, a commode attachment and information about a stair lift. He even called Cyndy Abel of Home Stairlift to help with set up an appointment to assess my stairlift needs. Included in the phone was that he would personally deliver the walker and commode topper as he had extra ones that he no longer needed. 

When Cyndy Abel called me to set up an appointment to do an estimate for my home and the kind of lift I needed. I was surprised Councillor Brenner took the time out of his busy schedule to get this done for me. Within a day, the doorbell rang, Councillor Brenner, delivering his post-surgery needs. Lift, taken care of; the walker and commode cover, done. I just needed to return home from the surgery.

The point of this post: people need to hear about councillor’s doing positive and constructive work for their constituents. Sure, some may see this as vote-getting but we are far from any election in Pickering. However, the gesture and the councillor’s good will be remembered. It may not have been an expensive effort on his part but it was time and energy-consuming. More than that it was a great example of a politician doing something to assist his constituents that was above and beyond the call of duty.

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One Response to PICKERING COUNCILLOR SHOUT OUT: Maurice Brenner

  1. szpinner says:

    I am learning a lot about Councillor Brenner’s value to his constituents. This politician is more than just words and hot air, much much more.

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