EDITORIAL: Restore simplicity to your life

Is your life becoming too busy? Are your days filled to the brim with things that need doing? Do you feel there just aren’t enough hours in the day? Are your days just too busy? Are you getting overloaded with information? Swamped with news and activities all around you? Non-stop…just too much. Do you feel overloaded?

Maybe it’s time to distill your life and make it simpler. You don’t need to make a list of what to do. You don’t need to write down all the things you need to get done, now, today! Instead, just reduce and simplify your life. Forget about trying to cover everything, doing it all, covering all the bases.

Keep It Super Simple
Make your life Super Simple. Eliminate extraneous things in your life. Use just one news source. Listen to just one radio station. Watch just one TV network. Shop just once a week. If you don’t have it, do without it. You don’t have to do it all. For a day, do just what you must do, no more.

Make time for YOU every day
Make some time just for YOU today, now…just for you. Sit back, alone, close your eyes and think of where you would like to be relaxing for a few minutes. Maybe a beach somewhere; maybe hiking in some favourite forest trail/a nature reserve park. Skip going out to Timmy’s for a coffee. In fact, skip the coffee. Just close your eyes and enjoy the calm with whatever mental image that works for you.

Make life simpler for yourself…even if it’s just for a few minutes…off you go…relax!

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