Day 14 (post op)

no, no…you’re arrived at the right place. The jump from Day 6 to Day 14 is that the Day 6 post included many more days….now I am caught up to Day 14.

Just a word of appreciation to the Get Well cards I have received. I was surprised and never expected such…but some people are sentimental traditionalists who continue what many of us did in the past…here’s an example of what I have received…

This card was one of the first and maybe one of the best. I read through the title and thought, “damn, just how my mind works.” I am sure the sender didn’t mean it that way but just like the dog and Fermo would appreciate that gesture.

Thank you sender.







The story behind this card is that the sender is a very accomplished artist who would normally create such a card from scratch, kicking up the quality a few notches in her work.

In this instance, she kicked it up many notches by accompanying the card with a huge basket of goodies, cheese, cured meats, fruits, candies and chocolates. What a basket of goodies….what a thought.

Now back to the ongoing saga…

Well, the physiotherapy is not so much in the expectation as it is in the motivation. What that means is that the exercises can be done but it is crucial to do them..FULL STOP. The young therapist, everyone is young when you reach my age, pointed out that many people who were less than diligent about doing these exercises daily, consistently and regularly, were still using walkers and canes to assist in their walking…..get the picture SZPIN???

Half of the exercises are done in bed, the balance while standing during the rest of the day. Now the ball is in my court. Give me a few days.


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