EDITORIAL: *** Politicians failing us again? ***

It is tiring to continually whine about political leaders and governments failing in some way but it seems to be a never-ending process.

What it the reason for this continual failure? Do the minds of politicians begin to degrade the moment they win an election? Do they become inept or incapable the moment they take office? How many problems do citizens continue to suffer that politicians should have resolved long before? Pick one….

Impaired driving
Recently a British Columbia driver was charged with impaired driving for 21st time? 2o previous charges and he was on the road again? Durham region police charged twice as many impaired drivers as the same time last year. Are people not getting the message of the seriousness of the offence? Can’t the court impose a penalty that would slow the offender down in repeating the offences? Jail time? Destroy his vehicle? 

Driving while using a cell phone? Stupidity? Why not add to the penalty, the complete destruction of the phone and deny permission to use a cell phone while driving again for months? Sure they can go buy another phone. Destroy it when the culprit is caught. Keep doing it without making it a singular act of pursuing this character only. Instead, if he is caught within the same period, destroy that property. Again, repeat destroy.

These kinds of driving offences put people at risk and the offender needs to get that message: endanger the public, lose your property as part of the penalty. The public does not want to diminish the life of any citizen but it wants to ensure that it and all others are as safe as can be expected.

Another example of government and political incompetence once elected: the nation’s housing crisis. Does the housing ministry have ostriches in office who bury their head in the sand when problems occur? Didn’t a ministerial expert not recognize that the pace of home building was inadequate to solve the problem of a housing shortage? This isn’t rocket science. Or do politicians simply work with eyes on re-election rather than proper and effective public service? A related example: housing shortage and unrestricted immigration. Is it a leap of intellectual capability to see that permitting more immigrants into the country exacerbates the housing problem? More people, more housing need…now. Let the immigrant in, to move to any city and let that city deal with the housing issue for that immigrant. Now there’s a solution right out of Ottawa.

There is something drastically wrong with how we are being governed if the political leaders refuse to see the forest for the trees, and refuse to initiate legislation that ameliorates the problem regardless of emotional trauma which may be caused.

Something smells in the state of Denmark and the same whiffs are drifting from our governments and we seem to be tolerating it without much more than a whimper or a whine.

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