CINEMA: An invitation to visitors to submit reviews of TV/MOVIES

Your time is valuable. So when you choose to wind down watching a movie you would like to find it was worthwhile.

Your opinion/review about a movie is very valuable. It benefits others who might be considering watching the same show/movie but want to know if it is worth watching.

Your opinion is important even though you may feel it differs from what people expect or want. No! It is your opinion and your description. You can never write a description or review that will satisfy everyone. Don’t worry. Your write-up is your opinion, a personal view and it has inherent value just from that alone.

Your review should include:

  • Title
  • Where/when available
  • Plot or story line
  • Your final assessment or satisfaction or NOT

Please avoid “SPOILERS:” giving away the ending or revealing something that will spoil the viewers expectations

Thank you in advance for your submission. I appreciate your taking the time and making the effort to help others in regard to their TV/MOVIE watching time.

Submit your review of a TV show or a MOVIE to

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