10 No’s No’s in shopping at COSTCO

10 No’s No’s at Costco
How guilty are you?

  1. Ditching Products Before Checkout
    There are many shoppers who change their mind about the purchase of an item and ditch it somewhere in the store. Imagine if it is a frozen item or a perishable.
    If you do this, stop doing it. You are causing the store costly problems and the extra expense Costco must spend to correct your shopping reject will affect pricing at the store eventually.
  2. Leaving Your Cart Behind to Fetch a Product
    Abandoning your cart mid-aisle just so you can go back to get an item you forgot. It’s simple bad shopping etiquette that inconveniences other shoppers. Stop doing it.
  3. Rummaging through produce to get the best
    The produce is put out on display regularly. Digging down under the produce is not going to produce anything better. Worse, think how others shoppers feel about you manhandling the merchandise they are considering for purchase. Stop doing it.
  4. Taking things off employee stock carts
    Puleeeze…the items on the stock cart are no fresher than what the employee put out a few minutes before. Often the cart simply has too much for re-stocking the shelves more. The products are no fresher than what is already out there. Stop doing it.
  5. Thinking sample servers are pressuring you to buy the product
    Sample it, even two. But be reasonable and don’t push others in the line. More samples will be forthcoming. Stop doing it.
  6. Not being prepared at Checkout
    Get prepared before the checkout. Others do not want to wait for you to find your wallet, your credit card ready when you reach the checkout. You’re slowing everybody down by causing delays for all the others behind you. Stop doing it.
  7. Not loading items on to the belt at Checkout
    OK…if the item is too large, not telling the cashier you need help loading it on the checkout belt slows things down for everybody. Putting things on the belt slowly and in an unorganized way affects everyone behind you. Stop doing that.
  8. Multiple Transactions from one cart
    OK…so you brought along a friend to shop on your membership, a family member. Fine, try to make the checkout more efficient by dividing the purchases into the purchase groups at the checkout. You slowing the check out process down if you are organizing the items for purchase at the cash. Stop doing it.
  9. Littering
    Puleeze….somebody has to clean up any litter you leave behind, in the cart, on a shelf, can you believe, on the floor. You teach your kids…follow what you preach. Littering costs money in employee extra work. Littering is a no no. Stop doing it.
  10. Not returning your cart to the Corral
    It is incredible how many people do not take the few moments it takes to return the cart to the Corral. Once again, employees are called upon to take time from their normal work to do other work, a task which inconsiderate shoppers cause. Abandoning carts just anywhere in the parking lot causes more work for the employees and affects every shopper. Stop doing that.
  11. Trying to return products you shouldn’t
    ok…we threw in an extra…add us to the inconsiderate Costco shopper list…
    Would you believe customers try to return half-eaten, moldy or expired products. Costco is not trying to rip you off, why would you want to rip the company off. It is trying to offer you quality products at the best prices possible, so why are you trying to take advantage of the company by asking it to refund money on products that should not get a refund. Stop doing it.
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