PICKERING: Report – City Council Meeting 1-22-24

An abbreviated and official report of the Pickering Council Meeting of Jan. 22,2024

[The summary is primarily a summary of the delegations who addressed the Council. For a full view of the meeting, confer with YouTube by clicking on MEETING ]


  1. Clint Scott
    Re: increase in funds for Paramarine Search and Rescue
    Asking for more money for the work of the para marine services: maintenance, new vessel, new equipment.
    Scott requests consideration of more money, a million dollars over a period of time to update vessel and marine equipment.

  2. Eileen Higdon
    Re: council decorum
    An integrity commissioner has been requested to examine council procedures based on Councilor Robinson’s recent council activity;
    Court case pending regarding Council’s policies relating to Robinson’s actions;
    Higdon is critical of court costs responsibility;
    She pleads for:
    > the case to be brief to save costs;
    > clear designation and transparency of costs be reflected in the City’s budget;

  3. Darshan Sritharan
    Treasurer, Pickering Rotary Club
    Re: Ribfest…seeking City support
    > Thanks mayor for $5000 donation to the Pickering Rotary Club;
    Request for an increase in City grant to $12K to cover city fees in sponsoring the ribfest event;
    Mayor response: The matter will need to be put to council for consideration;
              Robinson: how much more is being requested?
              Sritharan: in total, $12,000 and further describes other sources of funds,
                       seeking charity donations has had limited success;
              Butt: costs summary?
              Cook: ancillary expenses? Gross revenue impact benefitting the city?
                       attract approx. 80K people over the 3-day event;
                                 impact on the community: an opportunity for retailers, local entertainers; local hotels and local retailers;
              Brenner: how much revenue was generated in the past:
                       rough net income 5 years ago, approx. $100K but cautioned that the event needs rebuilding as this one is solely Pickering, not split with Ajax.
              PRC generates income of approx. $48K which is spent in the community.

  4. Joe Ingino
    The Central newspaper [ The Central Newspaper ]
    Re: publication of future material in this publication
    >Addressing transparency and accountability to the municipality in light of bankruptcy and publication termination of Metroland news in print form;
    >Problem: seems to be that there is no clear source of community news that is transparent and comprehensive in information relating to the municipality at this time;

    Request seems to be to create a united team to get the information out to the community;

    >There is a need for a community vehicle to inform residents about community news and community services.
    > Nothing like this exists at the moment;
     >  The Pickering website incorrectly assumes residents have and use Internet service;
              Butt: what is your readership? Hard copy is costly.
                              > Central is the only newspaper to serve the community;
              Robinson: Door-to-door delivery: how to develop?
             Ingino:    > Aggressive development…to get more carriers;
                               > Looking to increase size/volume of current paper;
                               > Competing with larger newspaper corporations?
                               >  In competition now; we are servicing the region now;
              Robinson: comment on social media use:
             Ingino:    > Internet use is extremely limited if effective at all;
                              >  City is discriminatory now; very few people access social media;
                              >  Bulletin brds, newslttrs ineffective as people don’t travel to access;
                               >  The Central is a bargain $1; very effective best bang for buck;
                                > The problem is lack of a concrete community news source;
              Brenner:   Kinds of news that needs to be in print?;
                                > Develop a specialized section for Pickering.

  5. Margaret Bowie
    Tree bylaw
    Re: protection of tree canopy in Pickering
    Plea is to prevent the destruction of the Pickering tree canopy;
                       Look for planning to protect our trees.
              Robinson:   City of Brampton received federal grant in 2023…confirmed

  6. Gary Winsor
    Executive Fairport Neighbourhood Association
    Re: modification of City’s tree protection by law to increase diameter and height of protected trees;
    Land developers should submit tree protection plans.

Other agenda items:

Bill #3 Strong Mayor and Housing Act:
          Brenner opposed to the act as it mutes councillor voices by Bill #3;
                   Collective voices must be heard;
          Cook: Supportive of Councillor Brenner;
          Robinson: consistently opposed to Bill #3;
                   Bill #3 contravenes democratic principles and potential risks;
                   Strong Mayor powers is a power grab jeopardizing democratic principles.

The meeting went on for much longer. For full video click –>   MEETING

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