PICKERING: Mayor Ashe’s Official Statement on Announced Refurbishment of Pickering Nuclear Generating Station

Read Province of Ontario’s News Release – Ontario Supporting Plan to Refurbish Pickering Nuclear Generating Station
Pickering, ON, January 30, 2024

Today marks a monumental step forward toward a cleaner, more vibrant, and sustainable future for the City of Pickering and the Province of Ontario, with this morning’s announcement from Todd Smith, Minister of Energy, that the Ontario Government is supporting Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) plan to refurbish Pickering Nuclear Generating Station’s “B” units (units 5-8).

I want to extend my sincere appreciation to the Government of Ontario for its commitment to advancing clean energy solutions and fostering economic growth in our province. The decision to endorse OPG’s plan aligns seamlessly with our shared vision for a sustainable future, emphasizing the government’s dedication to meeting the increasing demand for electrification, while also spurring economic development.

The Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, the largest employer in our community, has long been the backbone of our local economy. I extend my heartfelt recognition and appreciation to OPG for playing a crucial role in fostering growth and stability in our city. Equally as important, it has also been our most valued corporate partner over the years, providing integral support for many of Pickering’s events, programs, and initiatives.

It is crucial to emphasize the profound confidence we have in the continued safe operation of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station.  OPG’s team of expert staff has an unwavering commitment to safety and performance, which has enabled the Station to safely and reliably power the equivalent of more than 1.5 million Ontario homes annually, and a projected 500,000 additional homes post-refurbishment. The success of the Darlington refurbishment, a similar complex project, stands as a testament to OPG’s capabilities, reinforcing our trust in the continued safe operation of the Station for decades to come.

Minister Smith’s announcement underscores the positive impact of a refurbished Pickering Nuclear Generating Station on Ontario’s competitiveness for global investments. This transformative project is anticipated to create thousands of new jobs in Pickering and across Ontario and generate at least 30 more years of safe, reliable, and clean electricity. The refurbishment will not only power our homes and communities, but also drive the growth of industries and businesses as we move towards a cleaner, electrified, more dynamic, and sustainable future.

Kevin Ashe
Mayor, City of Pickering

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