AGEING: * * * 5 things seniors should NOT DO at 65 and older * * *

Five things senior citizens should not do at the age of 65 and over?
Source: Quora – Steve Darfler, Former Global Research & Technology Directory

  1. Don’t forget how fast the last 20 years have passed. The next 20 will be faster. If there’s something you want to do, get on with it.
  2. Don’t stop moving. On New Year’s Day we met a 92 year old man who was out for his daily walk. He wasn’t moving fast but he was walking. Six miles! Every day.
  3. DO NOT think your life is over. There are a million interesting things you can still learn and do.
  4. Do not wallow in the sins of your past. The past is gone. Every day is new. Be thankful.
  5. Don’t forget to brush your teeth. Drink enough water to make your urine a light straw color. Use handrails on stairs. Keep getting annual physical checkups. Spend more time with your friends. Within your limits, do weight training. Stay strong.


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