As a former teacher of history, I feel I have some right to comment on history commentaries.
To begin, I cannot feel but irritated and upset at how people bandy about with comments or generalizations about BLACKS and BLACK HISTORY MONTH.
This is a very subjective and emotional topic that requires much more sensitivity and empathy than it is being given.
BLACKS are the victimized, the downtrodden, the abused and have been for hundreds of years. How is it possible not to “cut them some slack” and consider their side of the story? They were the victims; they were the slaves; they were the oppressed. How can one not feel some empathy, some sorrow, some sympathy for a group of people subjugated and persecuted for hundreds of years? They deserve some empathy, some consideration.
The whole issue comes down to who has the “power and what they will do with that power?”
Anti-semiticism is simply a ‘power’ subjugation of a cultural-social group. There can be no justification for this. BLACK enslavement was the same and is without any possible justification if you adhere to the democratic principles of equality and freedom for all.
To discuss this whole topic is preposterous. Human beings are the same, equal and no different from one another. To isolate one from another is completely unjustifiable. I am equal to you; you are equal to me unless one of us wants to dominate, to control, to be more powerful than the other. Sadly, like greed, power is addictive and innumerable people want it. It means that for as long as humans exist, there will be the power mongers, the power grabbers, and those usurpers who will claw for more power so they can retain positions of superiority. The subjugation of others is irrelevant.
BLACKS have been abused for centuries. The abuse continues today, more subtly, more unobtrusively but BLACKS are still abused. There is no justification for this, no rationalization that can vindicate this abuse. The principled among us feel contrite for the abuse. Financial reparation is completely impossible. The closest we can come to making some kind of amends for the wrong of which we are guilty is to recognize, acknowledge and applaud the BLACKS who have risen above merely surviving the victimization. Thus, such endeavours as BLACK HISTORY Month is our feeble attempt at making restitution.
Those who preach the gospel of equality as if it is reparation for our racist sins of the past are being glib and paying lip service to the obvious. Instead, let’s honour the outstanding among them and….
Let’s put the topic to rest.