OPINION: We’re becoming more like automotons every day

Do you know the meaning of ‘sheeple?’ These are people who act like sheep following a woolly leader wherever it leads them without question. Each day our society is inundated ceaselessly and repeatedly by imperative messages directing us to unanalyzed thoughtless conclusions.

How do you think so many Americans concluded that Donal T**** is a candidate for the presidency worthy of consideration? It is impossible that so many Americans can be so unthinking, so out-to-lunch, so stupid as to think a man charged with so many indictments, so many criminal charges, accused of such treasonous actions could be presidential material.

Something is affecting the brains of millions of people. Could they be being brainwashed without realizing it?

Toronto Star contributor, and lawyer Jerry Levitan, writes a column in the Toronto Star, Feb. 17 edition, see LEVITAN, where he pleads a case that our society is being brainwashed into becoming non-thinking masses.

He writes “Politicians, political parties, unfriendly foreign powers and special interests, employing deep pockets, have embraced this opportunity to such a skilled degree that it subverts factual information, reality, common good and aspirational ideals with cynicism, falsehoods, distortions, and in the most wicked instances, intolerance and hate.” 

Worse, he kicks it up to the next level with “Our neurons are being altered constantly and unwittingly. News of brain implant trials underway utilizing brain-computer interface adds a new burgeoning dimension to a world upside down. Have we already become zombies without the implants, automatons under the delusion that we are making real choices?”

Levitan may have a point. How else can so many Americans seem to demonstrate mental inertia, brain death? He further pleads that ‘Modern tools of communication, data and manipulation, sounds and images to trigger voter emotions, insecurities and fears create seemingly insurmountable threats to our social norms and way of life,’ adding that ‘Fascists, warmongers, demagogues, autocrats and authoritarians came to power without these technologies. Imagine the potential now.’

He adds, “In 1933, Albert Einstein described to colleagues the then state of affairs in Germany as one of “ … psychic distemper in the masses.”. Looking at the world today, would that not be an apt description of our common malaise?”

Worse, he pleads, “If democracy is to mean anything we need to take the time to think carefully about the issues and what the parties and politicians stand for and really want to do.” Are those misguided Americans thinking clearly or thinking at all? Are all of us thinking at all?

He concludes what we have urged for a very long time, that schools need to evolve and change more teaching our children how to research, read and think, how to analyze, evaluate and judge.

Many of society’s woes could be rectified or resolved with schools taking on more constructive strategies to help our children learn how to be better thinkers. But are our teachers already in the masses of brain-dead zombies in which many Americans may be?

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