OPINION: Difficulty getting news/info from the City of Pickering? GET BACK TO ME

Do you find getting news about and from the City of Pickering very problematic?

The City of Pickering website
The City’s website is a confusing, disarray of information though it has been somewhat streamlined or made easier to navigate compared to a year ago. People keep saying they find it difficult to find information. One example of such difficulty is searching for ‘community neighbourhood associations’ such as Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association or Pickering Eastshore Neighbourhood Association. One councillor complained about tax payment savings information not being clearly available on the site. Are you finding navigation of the City website? I would like to hear from you.

Live means of communication by the City
The City states that information can easily be found on the City website at www.pickering.ca Well, the City should know that the majority of Pickering residents do not have or choose not to use computers. So digital availability is useless.

Requesting the idea of a city-published newspaper delivered to all private homes in the City has met with rejection for various reasons: costs, seeming to be City-focused propaganda, inconvenience, lack of experienced personnel. These are excuses that are obstacles to even considering the idea, let alone launching it.

There are many reasons for having such a newspaper ranging from reasonable cost to practical communication. But if no effort is made, then the whole idea dies at birth. Why not establish a committee to study the merits of the idea, its practicality and how it could be launched? A convenient weekly hard copy delivery that brings City information to every resident. What a novel idea! I would like to hear from you.

Lets send a message to the City of Pickering. We who are residents of Pickering want a practical and convenient way of getting information from our City about our City on a regular basis that is available to every Pickering household, a practical and sensible means of bridging the information gap that currently exists here. Everyone would gain by this endeavour.

Please let me know your thoughts via email to zippyonego@gmail.com

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