EDITORIAL: “Ontario Government Delivering on Commitments to Get it Done”

Ontario Government Delivering on Commitments to Get it Done

Read the proposed legislation at –> GET IT DONE

On the face of it, this new proposed legislation made by the Ford government of Ontario seems to be worth merit, after all each of us wants to get things done and if its the government, then all the better.

But slow down there folks, take a look at the source of this legislation. Mr Greenbelt guy, Mr. Make empty promises guy, Mr. Strong mayor powers guy. The same leader who dealt those other black cards from the bottom of the deck, is proposing this new legislation.

Reading the legislation with a fine tooth comb sounds like it could the kind of thing that saw the halving of the City of Toronto’s elected reps. Saying that the citizens of the province should be wary smacks of the warning cries from the boy with his finger in the dike. No leaks….yet! 

But when looks at the source of the legislation one might think of things like making the fox inspector of the farm’s chicken coops or making Mickey Mouse dairy product grader at the St. Lawrence Market.

We can’t say anything negative about this proposed legislation just yet, just that its author is as tainted as Dr. Jekyll, Bonnie and Clyde or maybe even J. Robert Oppenheimer. Afterall, no one saw these people as possibly becoming evil doers.


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