EDITORIAL: Book bannings threaten intellectual growth in our children

Book Banning

Dan Rather, retired CBS News broadcaster, is a 92 year old blogger. His blog, STEADY, is a timely commentary on current issues facing Americans but often what he writes applies to the rest of the world, such as his commentary about book banning.

Certain Americans promote removal, banning and prohibition of certain books in schools, universities and libraries in the US. Obviously, books with sexual content are banned but so too are books about gays, LBGTQ+ and the like. Generally, censorship is wrong though in some cases it may be justifiable. Who wants ‘How to make homemade bombs’ on public bookshelves or in schools. So there may be a case for book banning in some very narrow situations. 

Rather writes about book banning very comprehensively and in his piece it exposes the shallow, narrow-mindedness of many Americans. That is not to say such mentalities do not exist elsewhere, but elsewhere those groups do not get the public exposure they get in the USA. American free speech is an ideal which should be practiced everywhere. However, complete freedom exposes society to some dangers. Freedom of the press is also a democratic principle that should be safeguarded but publishers should self-regulate to insure what they publish does not expose the society to risk and danger.


DAN RATHER book banning PDF
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