Car theft in Canada is growing at an alarming rate.
There are numerous things you can do to reduce the risk of your auto being stolen…the responsibility of doing any of these things rests with you.
Faraday bags/boxes
The are containers that prevent radio waves from accessing your key fobs through walls, a procedure that many car thieves use to access your key fob to access your car.
Garage door power cut off
Thieves troll neighbourhoods testing garage door opening devices that they have. A garage door opens, and presto…they close it, only to return at a convenient time for them. Cut them off at the pass: install a power switch to cut the power to your garage doors and nightly, cut that power. Thieves will not be able to open your garage door when you have shut off the power to the opening mechanism.
GPS trackers attached to your vehicle
Though they will not stop the theft, you can attach GPS trackers, devices that transmit a location signal to your smartphone (Apple produces one for $40 usable on Apple phones, Android trackers are available also)
Bollards, definitely overkill
Bollards are reinforced pillars that rise and block automobiles from driving past. Installing such would be a guarantee of auto security but their cost, about $20K per driveway, may be overkill. There are other more acceptably priced safeguards available.
Kill switches
These devices prevent thieves from starting or running your car. There are various kinds of kill switches but the bottom line is that you should consider installation by a professional to avoid warranty issues with your vehicle. These are reasonably priced, antitheft effective means to preventing theft of your auto.
Park your car in your garage
You’re tempting the thief by leaving your car in the driveway in front of your home. Make room in your garage for what it is intended for…your car and park your car inside the garage. Out of sight, away from temptation.
For the comprehensive article about car theft in the TorStar, click –> CAR THEFT