WTF? – Whitby Recreation Centre receives $100K from ON Govt….. huh?

What’s the story here?
Kind of boggles the mind and begs the question, “What’re Pickering Council and Mayor Ashe doing?” [Populations: Whitby, 149,ooo; Pickering, 105,000]

Click these stories:

  1. Money $100K for Whitby Rec Centre
  2. Whitby gets $2.4 mill for EV chrgers
  3. Ottawa $25 mill to Whitby sports complex 
  4. UPDATE: Pickering scores with $5+ million from ONT govt
  5. Pickering Councillors travel to Europe on whose dime?

Guess there’s not much “fight”  in our “Fighting Irish” unless you count ‘in-fighting.’

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