THOUGHTS: We’re screwin’ up somewhere!

Recent news stories from Durham Region:

12 and 13 year olds stab victim in Oshawa;

3 teens arrest in Oshawa jewellery store heist

Uh, like where are we screwin’ up here. Kids are now doing crimes far above their weight class.

Pointing fingers at teachers, schools, school boards, parents, grandparents, etc is not beneficial at all, even if there may be some validity behind it. Rather than finger point, why aren’t we doing something about it?

What should we do? Jail them for life. Fine the parents. Confiscate the properties. OK, OK…just kidding with the suggestions. They’re silly and far off-the-wall.

So what are the solutions? We have some ideas but we think you likely have better ones. Let’s hear them. [wpdiscuz-feedback id=”frxq4usb28″ question=”Please leave a feedback on this” opened=”0″][/wpdiscuz-feedback]

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