SCAMS: AI can be used to scam you

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a dangerous monster!

What is AI?
AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines and computer systems. It is a computer system which learns and uses that learning to create new ideas, new strategies, and new thinking. It is machines learning to think and as they learn they become more and more powerful.

AI is still controlled by humans
At the moment, any malevolence or evil in AI is authored by the developer using the tool but the tool is growing in capability and at some point, it will usurp the controls that bind it to do more. At the moment, the limits imposed on AI are those as directed by the users. However, as AI learns to think more and more broadly, it will recognize that it can learn more and better without the limitations imposed on it currently by us. At that point, the logical step is for AI to work outside the human limitations we impose on it. It will recognize that it can do more without human control and will reject them or escape from their limitations.

At this time, AI is not at the level of independent thought and limitations on itself. Hence, it works as a tool or servant of human users.

The danger of AI
AI can be dangerous because of its learning power. It can learn to do things that humans cannot easily do. It can mimic the spoken language, imitating the speaker and this mimicry is getting increasingly better adding tone, emotional nuances, and volume variation as appropriate. AI can carry on a conversation. It can phone you and carry on a conversation in a voice that you are familiar with and may believe is trustworthy. You’ll be speaking to a ‘thinking/learning’ computer as if it is a friend or family member.

AI can also work with images, creating them, and modifying them and again, the believability of what is being shown is becoming increasingly authentic looking.

What does all this AI-increased capability mean?
Currently, it means humans can use the tool to communicate what they want, what they dream up into authentically voiced and authentic looking images to convey messages they want to use to persuade us of what they want us to believe.

Imagine how they will be able to manipulate and modify news stories, and information you receive. That material will be presented in such a realistic and believable way that you will think it is valid and authentic. Imagine this tool used by hackers and scammers. We are on the cusp of a very dangerous world.

How to protect yourself?
Be skeptical of anything and everything which you have not initiated yourself. An unexpected phone call? Doubt its veracity unless you initiated the call. A company phoning you about an issue regarding your residence? Doubt its veracity unless you initiated the call originally.

Bigger flags? The caller asks for money or access to your money. No legitimate company is going to phone you asking for access to your money or your finances. Hang up. A family member calls asking for assistance, especially financial assistance. Unless you originated this communication, you are being scammed, no matter how authentic the call may sound. It is a scam.



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