Who paid for this trip?

Not to say Councillors can’t vacation but in light of transparency, when they do, it shouldn’t be on the taxpayers dime. Was this Councillors’ trip at public expense. We should know.

Mayor Ashe and Councillor Dave Pickles travelled to Europe (Germany, Belgium and more) a couple of months ago? On whose dime? Who paid for the trip? If the trip was reported anywhere, the information is not easily found. No councillor will divulge any news about it. If it was a personal trip, it is quite the coincidence that these two municipal councillors made personal trips to Europe at the same time but then they could be friends and just took a holiday together to save money. The question is, “Who’s money?”
Anyone know more about this story?[wpdiscuz-feedback id=”w2scqdld6o” question=”Please leave a feedback on this” opened=”0″][/wpdiscuz-feedback]
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2 Responses to Who paid for this trip?

  1. Stephen Moore says:

    Citizens of Pickering paid for this trip but we’re not allowed to know anything about the trip..

    • szpinner says:

      I assumed Pickering residents paid for it, but no one knows anything about the trip, just as you say.

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