SENIORS: Include access to your DIGITAL ASSETS in your ESTATE PLANNING

  1. information you might need to leave in your estate.
  2. Create a legacy contact or plan
    You can designate a “legacy contact” in Apple and Google accounts or create a legacy plan therein. These accounts have ‘legacy contact’ settings where you designate the necessary connections. Some social media sites also offer legacy options.

It is important to make a plan for your digital legacy and include that in your estate planning.

  1. Update your estate plan
    Make sure your will and Power of Attorney documents include language specific to digital assets, indicating a designated representative with access to and management authority to files that could be very important to your family.

1. “Life After Death: Secure Your Digital Legacy Before You Die,” Julie Jargon. Wall Street Journal
3. TD Wealth Insights, Demetrios Dovolos,
4. newsletter

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