ANTHONY’s Notes: Keeping you up to date on the CANDIDATE NOMINATION News

The CANDIDATE NOMINATION process for PICKERING UXBRIDGE has been the center of confusion. Some candidates have withdrawn, others have sunk into the woodwork, while others have been surrounded by controversy, viz. Anthony Yacub.

Anthony Yacub threw his hat into the Candidacy Nomination ring but as he did, controversy erupted. The PUCDA (PICKERING UXBRIDGE CONSTITUENCY DISTRICT ASSOCIATION) executive rejected his candidacy as regulated by Rule 9.3 which states that no member of the executive or the committee for nomination of candidates may run for the nomination. Even when told that his resignation from his PUCDA positions would allow him to run for the nomination, the regulation was invoked and his nomination was rejected.

Yacub is still in the midst of sorting out this problem, asking the Party executives in Ottawa to help resolve the issue. At this time, the resolution is pending.

Yacub has added “notes of clarification” –> NOTES

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