EDITORIAL: Puppy Poilievre copies DOG Ford’s campaign strategy: speak, say nothing

Pierre Poilievre may not be the sharpest pup in the litter but he sure is the cockiest.

Taking a page from Dog Ford’s campaign strategy book, Poilievre promises absolutely nothing. Instead he continually criticizes, condemns and verbally combats anything Trudeau does or says. Poilievre has blamed Trudeau for:

  • high food prices
  • inflation
  • the housing crisis
  • the state of health care
  • bad relations with India
  • weak national defence
  • violent crime (probably non-violent crime as well)
  • drug addiction
  • lax security at our infectious disease lab
  • immigration chaos.

The list of criticisms is ongoing.

But not one single time, not in one single instance does Poilevre promise anything. Not a single policy, not one promise. The Dog ran successful campaigns the same way by promising nothing, making no policy statements.

Poor campaigning vs proven campaigning
No matter how poor this kind of campaigning may seem to be, as the voter is given nothing of substance to consider. No policies, no promises, nothing to think about and consider.

Who cares? Nobody at the Conservative Party executive offices gives a hoot about this being a poor way to campaign, offering voters air rather than substance, fog rather than concrete considerations. These execs don’t give a damn if it may be viewed as poor campaigning. The Dog has proven that it is the road to success on the campaign trail. The pup in Ottawa is barking up the same tree.[wpdiscuz-feedback id=”bupp1tfpli” question=”Please leave a feedback on this” opened=”0″][/wpdiscuz-feedback]

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