Stolen vehicles is a criminal epidemic in Canada today. Organized crime has sunk its teeth into this and once that happens, the crime incidents will increase in number drastically.

The finger of “missing in action” in who should be working to reduce these incidents of crime should be pointed at the car manufacturers. However, car owners also should receive some culpability for these crimes.

Car manufacturers
The bulk of the blame for the ease with which thieves can steal cars rests on manufacturers. They should be engineering more and better safeguards to help prevent unauthorized access to vehicles. They have the engineers. They must have the thinkers who can develop what is needed to make stealing of cars much more difficult. Give car owners more secure cars rather than pointing blame fingers elsewhere.

Car owners
Car owners are not blameless in vehicular theft. Leaving doors unlocked, windows open, parcels left on the seats, parking in driveways, in winter warming a vehicle in the driveway….just some of the examples of the stupidity car owners practice. There is no excuse for this stupidity. These owners are more than tempting fate, they are inviting theft.

There are numerous safeguards available and many of these may not guarantee 100% security but they will reduce the risk some. Thieves are becoming more sophisticated and more adept and capable at stealing cars. There is no 100% means of defence against the crime. That onus still rests with the manufacturers.

However, car owners can reduce the risk in many ways and these are described on the web, on the Internet. 

One of the very best ways to safeguard your vehicle
One of the best ways to safeguard your vehicle is to get it out of sight, inside the garage. If you don’t have such, investigate neighbours who may rent out space in their garages. 

Cut power, cut off access to your car
If you have your car in your garage, consider this idea. Thieves troll neighbourhood working garage door devices testing for garage doors they can open. Once discovered, bingo and goodbye car! Cut them off. Get a power cut-off switch installed to your garage door opener whereby you cut the power to your garage door at the flick of a light switch and thieves no longer can open your garage.

Read –> Surge in Car theft


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