PICKERING FORWARD is the OFFICIAL PLAN for the City of Pickering

This is a long-range plan that deals with land use aiming at responsible, efficient and sustainable growth.

The plan deals with:

  • Location of new housing, industry, offices and shops;
  • Support services for growth [roads, sewers, parks, schools]
  • Resident connectivity;
  • Management of community growth;
  • City investments and improvement initiatives.

Why update the Official Plan
The current plan has been in place for over 20 years. Hence the need for updating.
Updating the plan is obligatory by the Provincial Planning Act. However, based on the current growth rate of 3.3% per year and the expected housing needs,
the City feels an update of the plan at this time is essential.

Impacts on the Plan
There are numerous Provincial and Regional Plans impacting on the City of Pickering:

  • A Place to Grow: Growth Plan [growth projections to 2051]
  • Greenbelt Plan
  • Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan
  • Provincial Policy Statement, 2020
  • Region of Durham Plan “Envision Durham”

Other impacts on the Plan need consideration

  • Corporate Strategic Plan 2024-2028
  • Integrated Sustainable Design Standards, 2022
  • Integrated Transportation Master Plan, 2021
  • Pickering Housing Strategy & Action Plan, 2022
  • Economic Development Strategy, 2022
  • Retail Market Study, underway
  • Recreation and Parks Master Plan

Input from City residents is important
The City seeks resident input on the Official Plan.

May 27, 2024 – Special Meeting of Council re the Official Plan Review, 5pm Council Chambers

Important dates
May 17, 2024 – Preview report: early report Pre-May 27 meeting
May 27, 2024 – Special Meeting of Council – Launch of Official Plan Review

The City of Pickering last reviewed the Official Plan in 2007. While Provincial Regulations require review every five years, the City seeks citizen input at this time.

Citizens wishing to address the City Council about the Official Plan must apply to be a delegation and apply at à DELEGATION REQUEST

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