POINT-COUNTERPOINT: City of Pickering Councillors earning their salaries…what do you think?

This is not a criticism or condemnation of the Council of the City of Pickering. We just want to hear a straightforward, concise description of what they have done for us to justify their average salary of $40,ooo?

[Also see ADDENDUM at bottom of post]

Each month, we invite the Mayor and the City of Pickering councillors to write a short message to readers from the City of Pickering. We ask them to write a news update about the events, the news, and the things residents should hear about in their area. We received ONE response only. (To avoid causing any member of the council embarrassment, that respondent will remain unnamed. Their response is appreciated and will be published in the June newsletter.)

Here’s what we want to learn:

  • What specific work have you done in the past couple of months?
    [ Attending events, public ceremonies does not count.]

  • What work have you done that residents should hear about?
    [Sitting on a committee does not count]

  • What have you specifically done to improve living in Pickering?
    [Attending council meetings is assumed]

  • What have you specifically done that residents should know about?
  • What have you done that would justify your salary along with all the benefits, perks and ancillary accoutrements that go with it?


We are sending this notification to the Mayor and each Councillor and will publish the response we receive if it is received by June 3rd.

The Council should be criticized and censured for its lack of succinct and concrete communication with their constituents. We pay their salaries, so it is incumbent on them to account for what they are doing. Without this crucial communication, citizens do not know what councillors are doing, nor how things are being done in the city. Public celebrations like ARTFEST and SHOPS OF PICKERING CENTRE are fluff, mere icing on the cake to make people feel like things are happening. But what about the meet and potatoes aspects of the City….problems like the homeless, auto theft, food bank use, drug incidents, traffic chaos, and more. What have you heard Kevin Ashe, Maurice Brenner, Shaheen Butt, Linda Cook, Mara Nagy, Dave Pickles, and Lisa Robinson been doing in regard to any of those things?

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