POINT-COUNTERPOINT: “I pay exorbitant property taxes for this questionably dysfunctioning City Council?”

I watched the recent Council meeting of June 10 and the longer I watched the more uncomfortable I became. These are adults? These are professionals in their business professions? These are elected politicians?

I voted for some of these characters. If there were a plebiscite to remove them, I would not hesitate for one second. [ Thank goodness there is no such means to remove incalcitrant, non-functioning council members in this way as some of these Councillors would be gone in the flash of a ballot. ]

Is each of these Council members aware of the meaning of respect? Do they know human dignity and acknowledgement of same? There are anger issues here and attending an anger management workshop would benefit a number of these politicians.

I cannot stop paying my taxes which seem to be becoming exorbitant but if I could, I would stop paying them, not because they seem to be growing incredibly without  acceptable justification or logical rationale. I would stop paying them so these boobs serving as our Councillors would not receive salaries for what they do.

Boobs, incredible non-functioning boobs who let anger cloud their actions, let their emotions control their decisions. Boobs too, for sitting back without comment or criticism of what is occurring. Maybe I am one of the ignorant masses but I have the vote and I will put it to good use as soon as I can. I want this batch of bungling, fumbling fools removed. These kinds of politicians do not deserve to hold office. 

Shame on the bunch of these bungling incompetents.

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