EDITORIAL: Government failing the citizenry needing the most help


It’s incredible how we accept and tolerate incompetent government at every level from dysfunctional municipal councils to indecisively dysfunctional provincial governments to questionably competent federal politicians gorging themselves as the public trough.

What are these elected officials doing?

Immigration is a seriously negative impact on every region of the nation. We are unable to provide these people with the necessities of life: shelter and food. So they turn to tents and canvas encampments and food banks or charity handouts. Our own citizenry fends as poorly with insufficient income, need for shelter, and anxiety as to the source of their next meal. Government officials were elected to solve these problems. They are failing on every count. Homeless numbers are on the rise; use of food banks is increasing; mentally challenged need professional assistance. And where are our politicians? Squabbling and bickering at Council meetings, offering us alcohol at confectionary stores, offering to sell lottery tickets at beer stores!  These are solutions? Heaven help us if these politicians see these initiatives as solutions to the growing number of problems we are facing.

Cut them some slack? Why? The problems are getting worse. They’re the governing leaders. Their job is to tackle and resolve the problems. Ask yourself, “Is life getting better in you city? Your province? Your country?” If it isn’t, who is at fault? Where is the problem really? We pay our taxes without fail. We pay for our food purchases. We work daily, if we have a job. And in return, we get governing officials who bicker with one another, government leaders who offer platitudes like “let them eat cake (drink beer)…) and others who worry about their alarming descent in the polls prior to another election.

Something is amiss here but so what !


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