CANADA DAY: Celebrating our legacy and Embracing Our Responsibility

As we come together to celebrate Canada Day, with its joyous events and dazzling fireworks, it’s important to also reflect on the values that define our great nation. Canada is a country built on principles of human rights, inclusivity, and compassion. These are the very values that make us proud to be Canadian, yet recent global events cast a shadow over our celebrations.

In Gaza, a humanitarian crisis unfolds daily. Reports of violence, displacement, and genocide are harrowing. The world watches as fundamental human rights are violated in Palestine, and yet, Canada remains largely silent. Our silence in the face of this ongoing tragedy is troubling, especially for a nation that prides itself on championing human rights and standing up for the oppressed.

Canada’s commitment to human rights should not be limited by borders and mere pious platitudes on the global stage. Our values of inclusivity and compassion demand that we speak out against injustices wherever they occur. The situation in Gaza is not just a distant issue; it’s a human crisis that calls for our attention and action. Our apathy can be interpreted as complicity, undermining the very principles we celebrate today.

As we enjoy the festivities and fireworks right across our country, let’s also remember the responsibilities that come with our freedom and prosperity. Celebrating Canada’s diversity and resilience means extending our compassion beyond our borders and advocating for those whose voices are silenced by oppression.

The real Canada Day celebration would be when Canada stands up for the oppressed and persecuted people, including Palestinians.

Canada Day is a cherished occasion to honour our past and celebrate our vibrant present. It is also a crucial moment to reflect on the future we wish to build. As we come together to mark this day, let us commit to standing up for human rights everywhere. Our nation’s legacy should be one of true compassion and unwavering support for all, without any discrimination of race, religion or culture.

I love this country, and I know you do too. That’s why, while we celebrate our rich history and beautiful landscapes, we must also stand in solidarity with those suffering in Gaza. Our silence is not an option. Let’s use our voices to advocate for peace, justice, and human rights for all.

Proud to be Canadian, today and every day.

Javed Akbar

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