PICKERING: There’s no justifiable reason for Councilors to accept these gifts

Each of these councillors has received ‘gifts’ of various values from corporations and developers involved with Pickering and the Durham region. Given the salaries they receive, there would seem to be no justifiable reason for their acceptance of any such gifts unless there is some quid pro quo planned. In some eyes, such gifts might be viewed as being on the edge of corruption. In days of old, unquestionably so. But some would voters say, ‘Every politician is on the take to some extent.”

Say it isn’t so, Councillors. Justify these gifts, given that your salary is in the $100K range.

Mayor Ashes ‘take’…oops, take-away.

Mayor Kevin Ashe’s freebies given by Companies for his entertainment!
Developer Dorsay Developments                         Regional Chair’s Golf Classic        $500              June 13, 2024
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP                                   Ticket to Toronto Maple Leafs Game   $400    May 02, 2024
United Boxing Promotions                                     Ticket to Boxing match–Pickering Casino $200 April 13/24
Invited by White Owl Group                                  Ticket to Toronto Maple Leafs Gam  $250       April 11, 2024 
T. Hamilton & Son Roofing Inc.                            Ticket to Toronto Raptors – Knicks Game $250 Mar 27/24    Decast Ltd  Toronto Maple Leafs vs. Carolina Hurricanes  $300          Mar 17/23       Given to his daughter
                                                                                                                                                                     TOTAL  $1,900    
M. Borie
“If these these gifts are not tied to anything such as contracts why do developers provide these to the mayor. Why would they bother? In the private world this is not tolerated any more.

Could it be the mayor is invited to these events to by pass the Lobbyist Registry? I’m sure when the mayor attends these events there is no discussion on current and future projects and any positioning to get the mayor to support certain requirements. Given the mayor is the only one with Dictator powers, its interesting in 2024 he’s the only one offered these gifts. Its the gifts we do not see that is a concern to me.”


I disagree with the above for different reasons. The reasoning rests on the basis that people are corrupt, period. It does not consider the facet of “responsibility” or “job principles.” I believe most politicians are responsible people who take on the job and do it. When they fail to do the job, then take them to task regardless of salary or any ‘gifts’ they accept. Incompetence or job incapability should be accountable.
As for the gifts…the problem may be that the assumption is there are strings attached to the gift. And that is their danger. I like giving gifts that are gifts of appreciation. “Thanks for doing that job so well,” nothing more, nothing less. However, I can understand that the gift may have some strings, like remembering this gift and doing me a favour again in the future. You may get another gift of appreciation. That is the problem with any gift…it may be tainted.
To eliminate any potential problem, forbid all gifts, FULL STOP.

_______________________________________R. Szpin
We have a limited view to what elected politicians get in the way of gifts and freebees because their obligated to disclose.
All other government employees are not under any obligation to show us citizens the gifts and freebees they get. 
I suspect its even worse there.
And developers don’t give these things out without some sort of payback. I saw this done all the time in the private sector. Not all gifts are disclosed.


Hello all, below  is an email that was sent out June 30, 2024 that shows gifts given to Pickering Mayor Kevin Ashe as posted in the Pickering.ca web site.  You will find that “Borden Ladner Gervais LLP                                    Ticket to Toronto Maple Leafs Game                         $400              May 02, 2024” gifted Kevin Ashe a ticket to the Toronto Maple Leafs game.  Consequently, today the City of Pickering released a statement concerning both the City of Pickering and Ajax regarding Elexicon Holdings.  Apparently  the same law group Borden Ladner Gervais LLP is now retained by the City of Pickering and Ajax.  Coincidence??
Below please find the link to the City of Pickering’s “joint statement” release.


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