PICKERINGz: A question for the Mayor and Councillors regarding HATE

Mr. Mayor and Councillors,


“What are you doing about HATE and all its vestiges in our community?”

HATE and its related siblings, RACISM, AGEISM, SEXISM, ANTISEMITISM, and SPOUSAL ABUSE seem to be increasing in our society, relentlessly and ceaselessly. Not because any individual or group is at fault, but because the seeds for these things were planted somewhere before and allowed to germinate and grow, and what we may be doing about them is failing.

You may be doing something about these problems, but it isn’t working, as confirmed by what we see on the news and hear daily in the media. 

It’s time to address these social problems in some constructive way and then following it up to see if we are succeeding. Councillor Town Halls confirm the existence of the problems  but they aren’t resolving them. 

We need constructive, meaningful strategies to deal with these problems.

Let’s start with a municipal committee to develop working strategies to address the HATE problems our society is experiencing: “IMPROVING SOCIETY

Send your comments and opinions for posting to zippyonego@gmail . The Mayor and Councillors are being notified about this initiative.

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