TOWN HALL Report: Durham Health explains TICKS, WEST NILE VIRUS and LYME DISEASE

The Town Hall was a presentation by the Durham Region Health Dept about

  • West Nile Virus
  • Ticks
  • Lyme disease.

West Nile Virus
The worst first, the West Nile Virus is not treatable. Symptoms may be managed but there is no vaccine to cure or prevent it at this time.

Symptoms: fever, headache, muscle ache, rash, swollen glands.

Precaution, prevention and protection
The virus is transmitted by infected mosquitos. The best precaution to take is PREVENTION. Minimize skin exposure by wearing long sleeve shirts, long pants, all cuffed. 

Wear insect repellent.

Do preventative yard maintenance: mow lawns, trim bushes and shrubs, remove stagnant water sources, ensure door and window screens are without holes. Additionally, yards can be sprayed to reduce or minimize mosquito development.



Ticks are the carriers of Lyme Disease.

Ticks do not jump onto you. They are touched or brushed, and the contact causes them to attach to your exposed skin or clothing.

The blacklegged ticks carry the Lyme disease. Learn how to remove the ticks, disinfect and see your doctor immediately.


The hottest months of the year, July, August and September, are the prime season for tick infestation. Again, precautions are proper clothing, insect repellent and visual inspection of skin and hair. A good habit is to take a long and soapy shower after being in potentially infested areas.

For more information about these mosquito carried diseases, refer to:

  1.   [Comprehensive details about West Nile Virus]
  2. [Excellent detailed information about TICKS and their removal] 
  3. Szpin website:  Durham Health


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