POLITICS: It may seem futile….but we need to continue fighting this purveyor of lies

It may seem futile and it is becoming repetitive and boring, but we must continue. Otherwise, the T**** Cult  (TC) will win. 

The TC won’t stop and the more they repeat their endless lies and misinformation, more people begin to succumb to the message…either because of boredom or some by persuasion.

We will not stop speaking out against this politician.

Politicians are snakes, alligators, bears, sharks…take your pick. There is no such thing as a clean politician, just various degrees of corruption. There may start innocent and virgin-like, but soon after being elected, they begin their transformation, accepting gifts, graft, money, favours and as they grow in power and stature, they become the bullies that T**** has become.


Below find links to articles, columns, journalists who have, are opposed to T**** Some are no longer making an impact but we still need their voices as we hope this personification of evil does not get elected:

HUFFPOST: Excruciating! T****’s Endlessly Long, Wildly Dishonest RNC Speech 

POLITIFACT: Fact checking lies, lies, and more lies

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