TECHNOLOGY: Here’s what the “OUTAGE” hullabaloo was all about

Ever see something like one of those blue displays on your computer?

They are known as the “Blue Screen of Death” in computer parlance, BSOD,  and they mean your computer has crashed, your computer system has stopped operating. You cannot do any computer work on your machine.

Recently, computer systems across the whole world crashed because some idiot IT person/group of software engineers, ‘Mr. Know-it-alls’ failed to test their newly created security app before releasing it to its world-wide customers. The result: computer systems crashing everywhere in the world. Hospitals, police departments, airlines, businesses, hotels chains, restaurant services, even emergency services responding to 911 in some areas. Shut down completely, no services operating. No responses to 911 calls, no police dispatching, no scheduling of surgeries, hospital life support systems shut down.

The software engineers behind this snafu should be fired on the sport with no severance packages at all. This was a first class bungle with life threatening repercussions world wide.

Read the rest of the story –> BSOD


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