EDITORIAL: “Questionable spending?” asks Councillor Lisa Robinson

There are many voters who oppose Councillor Robinson for some of her past statements and positions regarding marginalized and disregarded groups. However, the councillor does ask hard questions that probably need more discussion, debate and consideration.

Consider the $40,000 outlay on the Westshore Skate Park. Councillor Robinson opposes this expenditure. However, before joining this opposition, it may be better to ask how the City follows up any of such expenditures? Is this park used frequently? By many? Or does it sit empty and unused much of the time? Additionally, who assesses the quality of the work done and it is this assessment done? The promise in this artwork was that it had a long life. Just one year and it is beginning to show significant degradation and disintegration. 

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Could Councillor Robinson be ticking productively in her questioning these kind of expenditures?

Click to view Concillor Robinson’s commentary -> VIDEO

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