OLYMPICS: ‘Troubled waters’ swamping the show

Water’s putting a damper on France’s show: rain, E Coli in the Sienne but the show goes on.

Rain poured down on the opening day, spoiling some of the performances, making some of them dangerous to perform but the performers, many clad in plastic ponchos, shouldered on. The more risky events like skateboarding were cancelled.

The rain also stirred up the E Coli bacteria in the Sienne, thereby having the IOC question the health risks to participant in swimming events in the river. The IOC executives are hoping the water cleaning system will improve conditions within a short period of time.

Finally, security has been very effective thus far with nothing extraordinary taking place at the competitions but beyond the borders of Paris, France’s national railroad system was derailed by vandals damaging switching controls and other vandalism. Damage was of such a level that train travel out of and into Paris was terminated for a number of days while the authorities investigated who was responsible for the terrorist activity. Repair crews got the trains running again within a couple of days.

France has budgeted £350million for security. It has proven very effective so far as security presence is seen everywhere, all the time, from police boats on the Sienne to mounted constabulary trotting in the streets of Paris. Bravo France; woe is us world!


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