EDITORIALS: Political promises need to be taken with a ‘grain of salt’

A lot of hot air! 

The nature of the beast is to blow hot air all the time, either to persuade voters to vote for them or to persuade them to vote against the people in power. Either way, the hot air is promises, endless promises.

Voters need a little reminder to take all those promises with a grain of salt. Politicians cannot deliver everything they promise but they can promise they can. The promise is not the outcome. Often the promise has no hope of ever becoming the outcome but politicians make them forever.

The electorate is not gullible or clueless. It is hopeful, hoping that some of the promises will be fulfilled once the politicians have attained office. Then, after a few years, the hot air drifts away with new wafts in which the voters place renewed hope. A vicious and endless circle.

Provincial Liberal leader, Bonnie Crombie, promises a hospital for Whitby or Pickering. The need for a hospital here goes without question with the growing population. Now the grain of salt: how will this new hospital be financed? Is there money for it? Is it a practical possibility? These questions need to be discussed before we jump on the band wagon, simply voting yes to what feels like comfortable hot air.

Let’s hear some details Ms. Crombie.

Read Tim Kelly’s piece in the Metroland news -> HOSPITAL

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