POINT-COUNTERPOINT: Israel – Hamas cease fire, is there any chance whatsoever?

An Israeli/Hamas ceasefire: an indescribably difficult situation or call with little likelihood of a ceasefire. Peace will come with the total obliteration of one of the combatants.

If you are Hamas
Your goal is to annihilate the Israelis. Hence, there can be no end to the hostilities until the goal has been achieved. The goal supersedes everything else: the lives of Palestinians, the lives of Israelis, collateral damage, the razing of all of Gaza, and the annihilation of all residents of Gaza. All of these are secondary to the ultimate goal, obliteration of Israel. Therefore, Hamas cannot agree to a ceasefire if they are faithful to their raison d’etres. No compromise, no negotiation, no yielding. Israel must be annihilated.

If you are an Israeli
You have been attacked; your citizens kidnapped and taken hostage. Your goal is retaliation and a “defensive offensive.” Attack Hamas leaders and totally remove them at whatever cost; keep attacking them or where they might hide until they return the hostages or are wiped out. There is nothing to negotiate, compromise or settle. Hostages or annihilation. Jews have survived other attacks, and will survive this one.

Everyone else
Everyone believes and accepts ‘just’ wars based on retaliation after an attack. Hamas attacked first. Israel is completely justified in attacking the areas where Hamas resides. However, the goal of total obliteration of Hamas may not be realistic or achievable as long as one tunnel can be retained. Israel cannot believe it can wipe away the earth on which Gaza sits. Hence, Hamas will be relentless in its survival. Israel will have to completely raze Gaza, totally, completely. And even that may not guarantee the annihilation of Hamas. Therefore, what goal can they have? None is practical or achievable. Israel will have to accept Hamas as it is, as total obliteration of Hamas is impossible. 

The solution
There is no solution if the combatants will not budge an iota from their fundamental reason for being. Until both are willing to budge, the poor people of Gaza are doomed, the collateral damage of this conflict, the fight between a rock and a hard place with neither willing to yield an inch, a speck. This conflict is a tragedy that confirms the obstinacy and recalcitrance of humanity.

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