NEWS: When any news is censored, we all lose

Recently, the ONTARIO CLEAN AIR ALLIANCE emailed us with the claim that a local news outlet had censored their submission and rejected it from publicatin.

It seems that the OCAA submitted an ad to the KING WEEKLY SENTINEL newspaper but the newspaper chose to reject it from publication.

The Ontario Clean Air Alliance claims the ad was rejected as censorship.

The King Weekly Sentinel disclaims that the rejection was censorship. They explain they received a number of calls from citizens who stated there were errors in what was being published [Curious: how did these people know there were errors in the story before it was published?]


From what we have found, this ad never saw the light of day. So how people found errors in it is incomprehensible.

As importantly, the KWS seems to not have bothered to reach out to the OCAA to explain the reasons for the ad rejection. They likely have many ad submissions and have a policy not to bother digging into each one. It’s free country and they have the right to choose what they want to print or not print. This is not censorship, rather it is practicality. There is only so much space in any newspaper.


What is important about this story is that we must be alert and watchful about news today. News information is easily posted to the Internet and irresponsible reporting can be done too easily. This is not to imply the KWS was irresponsible. Likely, it was simply being practical about what it could publish. However, the censorship claims made by the OCAA might be a leap to erroneous conclusions.


Read the full article -> CENSORSHIP

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