POINT-COUNTERPOINT: Dan Rather, retired newsanchor, may be laying it on too lightly….

Dan Rather. retired CBS news anchor, may be treating the topic too lightly in his commentary. This American election is another milestone, a historical position that will be huge in the annals of the history of the USA.

Rather makes solid points in his commentary but doesn’t underline how historical this election will be. Never mind that the campaigners are an unelected woman of colour running against a felon convicted of many criminal charges.

This election may be bigger than 2016 or 2020. One candidate is a woman again, though this time, she is a member of a visible minority. Americans, as much as they boast they are fair-minded and considerate of minorities, boasting hypocrites. Something is not right when half the population can be supportive of a misogynistic, habitually lying, insurrectionist-supporting sicko like T****. There is no way any normal person can support this type of candidate. 

But to criticize the majority of Americans as being crazy would be unrealistic and unjustifiable. What is important here is WHY they support this seemingly unsupportable person. There’s a lot of smoke around this candidate, and as the expression goes, “If there’s a lot of smoke, there must be fire…somewhere.” With T****, the fire is blazing. To list all his transgressions would be of no value. They’re there, unending and ceaseless. That anyone could support such a candidate is unexplainable. But a significant number of Americans continue to support him.

This is the problem facing Harris and the Democratic Party. Calling the vast number of T**** supporters crazy or belonging to a cult has no value. It is what it is, so deal with it. Harris and her party are doing just that.

This is one tough election, again. The extremist vs the reasonable, the sicko vs the norm, the wacko vs the acceptable. Of course, this commentary is slanted. None can be otherwise. But the slant is toward the GOOD, the REASONABLE, the NORMAL. Harris is not a felon and is not guilty of any traitorous activities. Harris is a normal, clean-cut person with principles and majority-accepted ethical values. T**** is not. T**** is a scumbag with no visible scruples or ethical values. Both candidates may lie or exaggerate in campaign statements, but while Harris speaks it, T**** LIVES IT. One talks in exaggeration, and the other lives a life of exaggeration. Who could you support?


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