PICKERING: updated 9 4 24 – Councillor Lisa Robinson Special Council Highlights Report; with site visitor responses


Councillor Robinson is throwing darts in her Special Council Meeting Highlights Report but throws hit their targets.

[A link to her Report Video is available below.]


Not every point made by Councillor Robinson is completely factual or without valid criticism. Still, she throws enough darts that she hits many real targets. Here are some points she states which merit closer examination and consideration:

  • Cost of $11 million for a Pickering Park development is very excessive;
  • No reasons given for strong push by Pickering for the Beachfront project when the TRCA (Toronto Regional Convservation Authority) has not given the project final approval yet?
  • Mayor Ashe is in conflict of interest as he deals with the Beachfront project while he sits on the TRCA board;
  • Mayor Ashe’s use of strong mayor’s powers eliminates discussion and council examination of numerous issues;
  • Gravel Parking lot in south Pickering to cost $400,000…for gravel surface!!
  • Gravel parking lot will be inaccessible for the disabled based on its surface;
  • Gravel parking lot has no cost analysis published for public study;
  • Skate Board park play lot, $40,000, wash away, waste of taxpayer money.

Robinson seems to have hit some targets dead center, but it is debatable which ones are on target and which ones may just be muckraking and stirring the turmoil pot.

One example is her criticism that the gravel parking lot is inaccessible to the disabled. Other sources rebut her statements: the gravel used is flat, slate-like, and provides a usable surface for wheelchair users. The $400,000 criticism is inaccurate as the money is allotted for far more than just the resurfacing a parking lot.


Personally, though I dislike Councillor Robinson’s constant badgering, chest poking Councillors in the chest, as well as the Mayor, and sweeping generalizations, all of which feel like bickering and whining more than constructive criticisms. But my position may be very narrow and myopic. Robinson’s biggest criticism or complaint, seems to have some validity, is that there is too little transparency, accountability and explanation for City expenditures. She may be right on that point. She is definitely right in criticism of the codgil of strong mayor powers as a way to cut off fair and needed debate. Other councillors may have voiced their dismay at this power being available to Mayor Ashe.

Councillor Robinson likely has ulterior motives for her statements of criticism. Nevertheless, she raises issues that should be raised and publicly addressed. Yet, she seems to be a lone voice braying in the wilderness. Hear and heed her statements. Then, draw your own conclusions after assessment and analysis. But base your conclusions on thoughtful consideration rather than just hearing words.



Councillor Robinson, thank you so much for reading and answering back to me.  I have not heard back from either of my Ward 2 Councillors (Mara Nagy and Linda Cook), Mayor Ashe, nor any of the other Councillors or Pickering Staff.  I have made the same recommendation as you have that being pave the required amount of disabled parking spaces and a walkway of the same material to meet up to the hard service walking trail.
To build a parking lot as I pointed out in the emails below without ACCESSIBILITY NOR DISABLED PARKING is not only inconsiderate of all people that have mobility/disability issues is not only wrong but not allowed under Ontario Provincial laws.
___________________________________________Mike Borie
A second comment…
Mayor Ashe, where was this map that you supplied included in the agenda?  I supplied you with the section from the Provincial laws and rules surrounding parking lots for Accessibility/Disabilities.  No where is the rules/laws does it state that compacted gravel is approved as a hard surface for disability/accessibility parking.  Here are the SOLID SURFACES suggested by the Province of Ontario: “3. They must be marked with high tonal contrast diagonal lines, which discourages parking in them, where the surface is asphalt, concrete or some other hard surface. O. Reg. 413/12, s. 6.  I will be in contact with the Province and Disabled organizations concerning the use of compacted gravel as an approved hard surface.  Compacted gravel especially with heavy traffic such as vehicles will produce loose gravel and freed rock along with ruts and depressions.  Has this proposal been presented and approved by the Pickering Accessibility Committee and if so on what date?  Also, why is there no contact information (email address or phone number) provided for the people on the Accessibility Committee  contained on the Pickering.ca site? https://www.pickering.ca/en/city-hall/accessibilityadvisorycommittee.aspx  I would urge that the City of Pickering consult with the Provincial government and disability/accessibility organizations and obtain there opinion especially the use of compacted gravel as a hard surface required for Disabled Parking and walk ways.

I strongly urge that in the future that Council and Staff do their best homework before a proposal comes to Council for approval.  Accessibility in this day and age should be part of all proposals that come before the City of Pickering and Council.  I am sure there are a considerable number of disabled Pickering residents not to mention that many people from outside of Pickering are also in need of open and free accessibility while visiting.
___________________________________________________Mike Borie
Response from MAYOR ASHE:

The parking lot meets the requirements for accessibility as there will be two designated accessible spots with the appropriate signage.

The hard packed gravel meets accessibility requirements, and there is a paved connection from these spots to the Waterfront Trail.

We could discuss with OPG the possibility of paving the two spots.

_________________________________Mayor Ashe

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