PT-CTRPT: Are govts doing the job expected of them?

I’m giving the Government of Canada the finger, but I extend it to all democratic governments. Why? Because the damn elected leaders continually do work that is either irresponsible, incorrect, ineffective or downright corrupt.

A prime example is the Premier of Ontario. A bullying, baffle-gabbing, wishy-washy politician who caters to what the pollsters present. Give him credit, if there’s enough clamouring he backtracks but by then his cronies and political buddies have already profited from what he has done. You may want to jog your memory to recall all the things Ford has done that are wrong or tainted. Maybe by the next provincial election, enough voters will tire of him as they are of Trudeau and vote otherwise. Stiles, sadly, has no hope in hell as the NDP shot itself in the foot with the Ont Rae government, recovery from which may take a decade or more.

Now comes, the federal government. We suffer unbridled inflation, unregulated price gouging, uncontrolled corporate exploitation of the average citizen. The federal answer, lower interest rates so people can borrow their way into even greater debt.

These politicians cannot think outside the box or lack the cojones to give new ideas and realistic trials. A prime example is UBI, which is a universal basic income. Ford gave it a lipservice trial in Lindsay, ON, but did not have the courage to give it a full try. The claim that these people would be lazy and apathetic, just taking the money each month, spending it and doing nothing else is wrong, wrong, wrong. People, no matter how poor, still have self-pride and self-esteem. Each person wants to prove themselves capable of achieving things. Give them a Basic Income and they put it to use. Instead of indulging themselves, they return to school, develop their skills, or try a business. They try to make a meaningful life for themselves. They don’t take pride in what others call a ‘handout.’ These people are proud, hard-working, and dedicated citizens who have drawn some unlucky breaks that have accumulated until they become impoverished citizens. But they aren’t welfare bums. 

Studies are confirming that the economy grows and profits from having UBI in place. Ford wouldn’t even give it a fair try but cut the people off in the trial. They have launched a class action suit against Ford’s government. I wish them luck.

The other jerk, oops, misspoke, the other ‘junior,’ has the Bank of Canada regulating the economy with the tantalizing temptation of lower-cost borrowing. So, the single mother who’s been feeding her kids poverty menus or food bank withdrawals can now borrow money and get herself deeper into financial trouble. Why not think outside the box? Try something like UBI or straightforward grants to people below a certain income level. I would be willing to underwrite that kind of use of public funds. But these damn politicians never think outside the box or have the cojones to do something constructive with time for that policy to take root. But they sure know how to waste taxpayer dollars…and voting in new politicians never changes things. A short time after attaining office, these new politicians are no different than the old, doing the same thing that was being done before. Throw the bums out.

Lower interest rates!  Thank you, Bank of Canada. Thank you, Government of Canada. Thank you, ‘Junior.’ Maybe it is the time to throw you out. But I believe that isn’t the answer. More than likely, the answer is accountability, assessment and throwing out the politician, confirming their worthlessness. Ain’t gonna happen….no politician has the cojones to put in place any accountability policy which would subject them to loss of office for doing ineffective or worthless work. Kind of what happens in the real world rather than the political paradise of politicians today.


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