EDITORIAL: Looks like it’s over for ‘Junior’!

It looks like it’s over for Junior…

Every government reaches a point where voter fatigue sets in and the electorate tires of the government that’s in power. Trudeau and the Liberals have reached that point. Two bye elections, formerly Liberal strongholds, have been lost. Toronto St. Paul’s and Montreal’s LaSalle-Emard-Verdun gone. The writing’s not only on the wall, but the Good Year blimp’s announcing the end of the Liberals.

There’s no way Junior’s pulling this election out of the hat. He has nothing new that can attract votes. He has tried every ploy possible to renew his brand, his party. But the voters are tired. They want change. They do not want the return of Trudeau. There’s nothing he can do to pull off a victory this time. The electorate are tired of the Liberals. The good old Lord Himself couldn’t pull this one out of the fire.

Sadly, the outcome of the next election, a likely victory for a very questionable leader, though not guaranteed, is most likely. Poilievre is running a “Doggie” Ford campaign. Say nothing, promise nothing, be vague, make hazy campaign promises, confuse the voters, cloud up voter thinking. The voters are tired of Trudeaus and will bite the bait. Though Poilievre is as close to being a right wing autocrat as possible in our democracy, he is a viable consideration given voter fatigue. Poilievre promises nothing specific. He shouts out cute news bites, ‘Axe the tax.’ This is a political leader of whom the electorate should be wary. But there is no alternative. Jagmeet Singh….are you kidding! The last NDP government, in Ontario, set us back for years in trying to recover.

So what’s the alternative? There is nothing the electorate can do. There is no positive alternate choice. Another minority government would send a definitive message to Trudeau but there is no way we can guarantee such an outcome. The alternative? Hold your nose, vote Poilievre and pray ! 

A Poilievre minority might be nice but again an impossible guarantee.

There is an answer, but no politician in any democracy would support such a policy. It would be earth-shattering. 

Introduce an ACCOUNTABILITY POLICY where voters could electronically hold a referendum to question the continuation of a politician’s tenure. Let the politicians work it out as to the logistics and structure of such a policy, but if a politician’s record is questionable, the electorate would have the power to eject them and hold a bye election. 

Such a law will never pass. No politician is going to support a law that questions their hold on their position. In the business world, to quote another jerk, “You’re fired!” is used quickly and decisively when an employee is doing a questionable job. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to do the same thing to a politician? Never gonna happen.

So, hold your nose and vote ! Then, pray !


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