POLITICS: Done like dinner….full stop

The boy’s done like dinner. No way he’s pullin’ this one out of the fire. He’s finished, finito, kaput!

Hard to understand why, really. He hasn’t screwed up anything big at all. No corruption, No big messes. Sure some little things that voters jump on as if they’re  cataclysmic incidents…a holiday on an island gift. Maybe some family issues but they have nothing to do with politics.

The guy’s simply past his “best before”1 date, end of story.

He boasts that he can still pull it out of the fire with a strong leadership presence. Sorry, my man, no way. The people are tired of you. You might be able to come back after Poilievre screws things up, in the next election but this one is done like dinner!

Full stop, no more, nothing more to add!

Poor Poilievre hasn’t got a promise or a policy to piss on. Nothing. The guy promises nothing, describes no policies, says nothing. Just bashes and lambasted. It worked for Doggie Ford. It’ll work of Lil Petey. Say nothing, voters cannot blame you for anything.

What a state the nation is in: leaders that are stale, been around too long, have nothing to say and pull the plug after making plum promises and fragile coalitions. Talk about a lousy bunch to choose from but maybe that is the inevitable. We have used up any good leaders we might have. Now we’ve got weak flakes left, the dregs, the bottom of the barrel. Or maybe the job is so difficult, the Good Old Lord would fail at it, given a term of office.

Well, you read here first: Trudeau’s gone; Poilievre ain’t worth the powder to blow him away; Singh is a lyric-less tune. Go vote….not because there’s anyone of worth to vote for but because we have a democracy and we need to practice it to preserve it. 

Otherwise you could have a country like Venezuela with its leader Maduro. Thank goodness we don’t have convicted felons running in this country though.

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