“Daily Bread launches Thanksgiving drive amid ‘crisis-level’ food insecurity in Toronto.”
Here we go again, another drive for food bank donations. What the hell are these political leaders doing? Charity work, eh! Charity work, my butt. These jerk politicians should be tackle the problem of food anxiety in some other way rather than clamouring for more donations.
These politicians were elected to give us responsible, constructive government. Oh wait, while I go to the corner store for a can of beer. They were elected to give us good government, government that is constructive and effective. Instead, they guarantee themselves pensions while lamenting that food banks need more donations in the media.
Ford? Trudeau? Ashe? All questionable as effective politicians. Some may even be ‘dirty’ as they profit from legislation they passed. And poor people, hungry people, homeless people….oh we are working on these problems. Oh, yes we have been working on them for years but we are still doing so now. We are still urging the public to donate more, more money, more food, more places to live.
What hypocritical situation! Ask the homeless, the hungry, the unemployed, the poor, how they are doing? Ask if the policies legislated by these politicians are working. Ask if the situation is improving? Ask the homeless if their numbers are growing. Ask the hungry where they’re getting their next meal from. Ask the poor how much money they have to ameliorate their situation.
Does Ashe look like he’s starving? Ford? Trudeau? Something is definitely wrong with our system of government if these schmucks continually get re-elected but never solve the problems, never find new solutions to the old problems, never try thinking outside the box.
We have to vote to guaranteed continuation of our democratic institutions but one thing we can do is vote the schmucks who fail in office, out! Don’t vote for Trudeau, Ford or Ashe again. Vote for the next candidate and if they fail at rectifying things, vote them out too. But make sure they never get back into office again. If they can’t do the job, they shouldn’t be in office.