PICKERING: LISA ROBINSON, suspended without pay, again

Something’s wrong in the state of Denmark, oops, Durham!

She’s in the headlines again, suspended without pay for 90 days.

Something’s really wrong with either Councillor Robinson or the City of Pickering Council. Are these people adults or are they just big kids bickering in the City’s schoolyard?

We need a definitive clarification as to what is going on with the City of Pickering Council. If Councillor Lisa Robinson has points of value, let’s get them clarified. If she does not, then let’s get that stated.

The latest story from Insauga Durham news: 


The intent here is not to muckrake, or stir up the muddied waters of Pickering Council, but doesn’t the public deserve a clarification about this story?

Surely, the efficacy or productivity of the City of Pickering Council must be questionable if this councillor keeps grabbing the news headlines with her recalcitrance or her monkey-wrenching the City of Pickering Council operations.

We sure would like more clarity to this story. Maybe Councillor Robinson would like to make a clarifying statement about her position? Maybe Mayor Ashe would like to make a clarifying statement about the situation from the Council’s side?

But this story simply cannot go on and on and on. It is wrong to continue the saga on every point, from productivity of Council to efficiency of Council meetings.

What’s the story Ashe? Robinson ?

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