PICKERING: Integrity Commissioner’s report regarding complaints against Councillor Lisa Robinson; A FINAL WORD?

The Integrity Commissioner’s report is very lengthy and can be read in full by clicking the link: 

The best way to read the report is to:

  1. Read the groupings as set by Mayor Ashe early in the report:
  2. Then, chose the areas of interest to dig deeper;
  3. Councillor Robinson has been given the opportunity to respond to the report; if she has or where she has, we are not clear. She has responded on X, local newspapers, her Facebook page and in YouTube as far as we can determine.

Where there’s so much smoke, there surely must be a fire. We have spoken with Councillor Robinson and found her to be determined and passionate about her position. Personally speaking, we found her recalcitrant in her stand. She seems deaf to consideration of any point of view which contradicts hers.

We believe she has a right to her stand. However, when that position impacts on the proper and effective management of municipal operations, we believe she should consider a broader view and give full consideration to other positions. We don’t believe there is any personal animosity or antagonism against Councillor Robinson. We believe the Councillors oppose her position because they see it as being outlandish, extreme and contradictory to the spirit and ethical principles of the community of Pickering.

Reading through the Integrity Commissioner’s report, one can see Councillor Robinson is continually in opposition to the Code of Conduct principles and continually opposes the decision making process as validly practiced by the Pickering Municipal Council. It seems to constantly be a “them vs me” situation with no room for compromise, conciliation or attempt at collaboration.

Sadly, this controversy has made Pickering the center of ridicule and mockery across Canada. Perhaps, once again, a plea to Councillor Robinson to find where she can make concessions, accept compromises without sacrificing her principles might bring about some change. Sometimes, the battle is not worth the war !


Some points of information:

Background and context
The first report related to the use of Facebook for a communication found to be
sarcastic and bullying towards three named individuals who had opposed the Councillor’s request for a minor variance to accommodate a shipping container at her home.

The second report related to Councillor Robinson’s behaviour at a Durham District School Board rally during which she read out three Notices of Motion, indicating that she could not get a seconder for these Notices of Motion from among her colleagues on Council. These Notices of Motion are addressed in detail in the previous reports, but in summary they related to:

  • restricting and removing the City’s support for drag queen story time, flying of Pride and Trans flags at City premises, and any related LGTBQ+ related events and activities;
  • removing the universal washrooms and changes rooms from City facilities, specifically the Chestnut Hills Recreation Centre

These Notice of Motion and attendant commentary were found in breach of the Code as they promote homophobic and transphobic attitudes.

The current complaint indicates that Councillor Robinson has attended several interviews with right-wing social media commentators and has also posted her own YouTube commentaries wherein she reiterates her position on the issues for which she has already found to be in breach of the Code.

Despite the clear findings of the Integrity Commissioner and the subsequent sanctions adopted by Council, Councillor Robinson has not been contrite, but instead has become further entrenched in her position and has taken or created at least 16 opportunities to continue advancing a platform which has already been found to be in breach of the Code.

Santa Claus Parade statements:

Background and Context

Councillor Robinson engaged in numerous public communications, including postings on X (formerly Twitter) and a paid editorial in the Oshawa Central Newspaper, in which she challenged PFLAG’s participation in the annual Santa Claus parade, in some places equating it to the participation of cannabis companies, gun clubs, adult stores, and “strippers”.

Analysis and Findings

Councillor Robinson has equated existence as a member of the LGBTQ

community with drug use, gun clubs, adult sexuality, and exotic dancers, and suggests that participation in the parade is a means to “sell” or “promote” membership in the community. This fails to recognize sexuality and gender identity as an innate human characteristic and instead casts it as deviance from which children must be protected.

Her steadfast refusal to recognize any of her conduct as contravention of the Code or to acknowledge the hurt and harm she inflicts on others through her actions demonstrate an arrogant self-righteousness which we have rarely encountered in our municipal political leaders
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