Woe is me…We must find hope, life savers, rafts, something to latch on to

Each morning, it sounds like the world is getting worse. Murder, violence, aggression, war, abuse, hunger, poverty, homelessness…it never stops. And just when you think there’s a pause in this erosion and deterioration of our world, another mentally deranged shooter hits the news with multiple targets. An interesting consideration here: notice how few of these mentally disabled people are men, not exclusively, but few are women. However, that may be a topic that needs more and deeper consideration.

For now, consider all the problems facing our world. They are growing even though we seem to have better technology and more expertise to solve them. But we aren’t. We’re failing, and the problems continue to grow. Why? What are we doing wrong? Where are we missing the appropriate answer to reversing the ever increasing cycle of problem growth. How can we change things? What do we need to consider? Try? Otherwise, the situation will continue to worsen until we obliterate mankind. 

Religion? Religions have been the cause of more wars, more social division and increased tension throughout the world for centuries. God may be an answer but not when it becomes ‘My God vs Your God’ and that seems to be the case through all of history.

Talk, discussion and cooperative compromise. We can’t seem to sit at that table for very long anywhere or when we do try, our capacity for hearing disappears. We become deaf to any kind of offered solutions or possible considerations. Why? What has made us all ‘chiefs,’ disregarding every subordinate as being less intelligent, obstinate and inconsiderate while we pride ourselves on being the complete opposite.

“To hell in a hand basket” has never sounded more applicable or appropriate than its application to our society today. How can we rise from this abysmal morassma of moral turpitude and boundless hopelessness? Where can we find answers, possible solutions to this pessimistic road to oblivion? Surely, there are voices in this social miasma that offer constructive, plausible alternatives that may save us yet? Maybe we need to listen more, observe more diligently and give broader consideration to more leaders.


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