The Toronto Star agrees with “Woe is me” regarding the need for PASSIONATE CIVIL DEBATE even in these difficult times.

JORDAN HIMELFARB: Star Editor and Head of the Editorial Board

Toronto Star Subscribers/readers will be very pleased to see the major renovation the Star has presented to its Saturday edition: “OPINION  Weekly” section. Opinions, commentaries, and short writeups from select writers are published in the section to spark deeper consideration and more analytical evaluation. More importantly, the Editor and Head of the Editorial Board, Himelfarb, argues that our society is finding it increasingly difficult to discuss and debate anything, no matter how much they need that kind of examination and analysis.

Read his full commentary at


As commendable as the new TorStar section may be, it does need to be more selective about the authors it publishes.

Peter Sloly was the Chief of Police when the trucker convoy disrupted the City of Ottawa in 2022.

His piece deals with the digitalization of news and social media. He explains his rationale for the Toronto Police Service adopting a social media communications department. 

It’s all well and good, but people aren’t as interested in Sloly as an advocate of social media connectivity as they are in his questionable management of the Ottawa Truck Convoy debacle. It would have been more interesting to hear Sloly explain his thinking during that municipal crisis. Why did he not act sooner? Remove the first offenders who were disrupting the commercial and social normalcy of the City of Ottawa. That would have been a more worthwhile story. Controversial, yes, sensitive, without a doubt but very insightful, very informative and very appropriate for this news section.

Come on, Toronto Star, if this new section is to be as engaging and beneficial as you promise, you need to select writers more carefully or ask harder questions and analyses from those who are selected.


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