We have reached the point. Either turn off the NEWS completely or use your personal BULL SH*T Meter to gauge the possible veracity of what is being reported.

Here are some stories reported on the news recently. Think about the possible veracity of each:

  • Michelle Obama’s secrecy about Obama being unfaithful
  • Dog Ford to build tunnel under 401 to cross the GTA
  • Obama children are the result of IVF
  • Haitians eating pet dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio

If you believe those headlines are valid news, then this short article is a waste of your time.

News today is becoming sensationalism, not informative data, titillating BS meant to excite you and make you a subscriber to that particular news source. It’s more bullsh*t than news, more excrement than veracity, more lies than validity. T**** was correct in labelling it ‘Fake news’  as that is what news is today. Composed, created, developed crap. It’s fraud and scamming gone mainstream!

CTV was recently accused of tampering with Poilievre’s statements to make him look more right-wing than he is. The story died on the vines as most of these headlines should.

The news is fast becoming more bullsh*t than authenticity. The biggest networks seem to be competing for greater sensationalism to their headlines in order to attract more viewers. You’re wasting your time watching mainstream news these days as their material is being increasingly modified to tweak it for attractiveness.

We have written about Fake News more than seven years ago and we stand by what we wrote then. Read that piece at

If anything has changed about the news, its validity, veracity, and authenticity is becoming increasingly questionable with each broadcast. Where once we would have trusted news sources without skepticism or question, today there is no such animal, no broadcast, no network, no news source that you can believe with absolute certainty. Eveything is tainted, tweaked, modified and altered on the altar of profit and gain. The modus operandei is to get more viewers by offering more sensationalism, more excitement, more tabloid journalism. Accuracy, authenticity, truth are disposable commodities to be sacrificed for more profit and gain.

What you need to consider doing
You have few choices when it comes to watching the news: either take everything with a grain of salt and doubt everything you hear or simply stop listening to the news becoming ignorant of what is happening to the world around you. We choose the former. Weigh everything with the  balance scale of ‘is it possible?’ ‘Could this be true?’ ‘Could this be BS?’

If you are finding your news source becoming increasingly questionable about delivering factual news, abandon them, one by one as you consider each. Choose more than one source in finding your news. If the same story appears repeatedly, it may have more than a kernel of truth to it. Finally, narrow down your news sources to your best two or three. You’ll get enough news from them and can ignore the others. 

Your sanity, your serenity are worth more than being on top of the news but stressed and strung out to beat the band.

Like scams and fraud, the news has entered the world of skepticism. Be skeptical about it.

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